Discover the hidden impact of the mind-body disconnection on your life.
Mindbody Connection Audit for Sensitive People
In this free E-Guide, introducing the Mindbody approach, I’m sharing what has fundamentally improved, and kept changing my life for the better.
These ideas catapulted my transformation from being powerless, anxious, and exhausted into living relaxed, playful, and creating my life of purpose with joy and confidence as a highly sensitive person.
- Gosia Poraj, integrative coach, mind-body-spirit mentor
In this e-Guide you will:
Discover the power of using mindbody connection in the lives of Highly Sensitive People.
Find out how many obstacles are linked to the internal fragmentation.
Gain insight about how much it’s affecting YOU.
Learn about YOUR hidden potentials and strengths.
Get the first step - a practice to try over the next days.
After that, you will continue getting insights, inspiration, and learn my newest discoveries and opportunities.
From my clients