Loss of self & Enmeshment - HSP & INFJ
Archive Gosia Poraj Archive Gosia Poraj

Loss of self & Enmeshment - HSP & INFJ

In this post, I talk about the enmeshment, loss of self, and blending of personality amongst Highly sensitive people. This enmeshment is a hallmark of all codependency, loss of self-worth, and an important fixture of all relationships with narcissists and toxic folks.

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Rejection wound and senses
Archive Gosia Poraj Archive Gosia Poraj

Rejection wound and senses

We remember these rejections as serious traumas, neglect, or a string of betrayals. Maybe it was bullying at school or always being denied a promotion at work.

Sensitive and empathic people get a fair share of these in their lives, and I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t have a profoundly painful story to share. 

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Why Highly Sensitive People, Empaths, and INFJs Fear Their Own Power
Archive Gosia Poraj Archive Gosia Poraj

Why Highly Sensitive People, Empaths, and INFJs Fear Their Own Power

Even though, I might have fooled myself and a few people, I struggled a lot with basic physical challenges like:

  • Setting boundaries

  • Saying NO to the things I didn’t want

  • Saying YES to the things I would love to pursue

  • Standing up for myself (I usually waited until it was way to late and then "door slammed them")

  • Having difficult conversations, etc.

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Exhausted from the overthinking?
Archive Gosia Poraj Archive Gosia Poraj

Exhausted from the overthinking?

Overthinking is so exhausting... 

This habit of overthinking is something that often comes up in my conversations with highly sensitive people, INFJs, and empaths. Some people tell me that they can never fully rest, and that their brains seem to work during the night, not letting them go deeper into relaxation.

It’s absolutely painful. And unhealthy...

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Are you using your free will?
Archive Gosia Poraj Archive Gosia Poraj

Are you using your free will?

There’s plenty of noise outside all around us and more than enough noise in people’s heads. The hardest thing is to create life from an empowered free space.

Most people go on autopilot 97% of their awake life which basically means that there is close to zero chance for making a better life for themselves. Fact.

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Why Is It So Hard To Set A Boundary (And Stick To It?)
Archive Gosia Poraj Archive Gosia Poraj

Why Is It So Hard To Set A Boundary (And Stick To It?)

I have witnessed an interesting interaction lately. 

A family of 3 generations on the beach was doing whatever families do on vacation. The little vivacious girl wanted to do all the fun things that usually come to your mind when you’re about 5. She was trying to go deeper into the ocean, she was making all the acrobatic tricks and so on. She wanted to play with a dog that someone walked by with.

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The UGLY Truth Of Letting Go
Archive Gosia Poraj Archive Gosia Poraj

The UGLY Truth Of Letting Go

The self-development community paints Letting go as a magic bullet for all life problems. Gurus yell from their rooftops that you should let go in order to feel better. And we all know there is a lot of letting go these days for all of us. Changes are happening on all levels of our life. 

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