Living Book

Imagine a book that’s alive. After all, which book isn’t? As ideas continually evolve, so too do the chapters. The book drinks from the vast web of inspiration, filling itself with time, growing in meaning and context. A book, like anything, begins long before it’s brought to life. And likewise, it resounds long after it’s created, echoing through emotions, insights, and inspiration—in both the author and those who receive it. So can a book ever truly start or end? Does publishing really stop an idea from living, growing, and expanding?

This book began “formally” in early 2023. As its glimpses appeared in my mind’s eye, I felt that I was being used as a vessel, a co-creator of the content. The ideas didn’t feel entirely “mine” — they surprised me frequently. Then again, the insights, although spontaneous, were anchored in my life events and the lessons I lived. In that sense, the book had started decades ago, maybe as early as in my birth. 

Though I wasn’t a “channel” or even a writer at the time, I offered my mind to contextualize these thoughts and connect new inspirations. I also offered my body and energy to process these impulses into ideas, words, and sentences — sometimes at a high personal cost. I’m still learning how to adjust to this new state.

At first, the flow of ideas was gentle, at times barely more than vapours. But lately, thick bursts of content have flooded my awareness, both day and night. Over time, the book has started to feel like it's spiraling out of control. Which made me wonder — does it need to be controlled? Can we really control ideas? And if not, how can I contain these eruptions in a healthy way? And if I can’t, how much longer can I keep up?

As a seasoned artist, this felt new. Creativity had always flown through me abundantly, but harmoniously. Now, massive outbursts of information were demanding release, pushing through my system, eager to settle into the world outside of me. I was not prepared for the pressure that needed to be released.

I work with energy, which is also a central theme of this book. I'm learning to better understand and respect its currents. Though exhausting, this fount is a force to be reckoned with. This challenge, like many others before, carries a message. After several exhausting weeks, I paused to feel into it.

Although I had tried to write it as a “normal” book, I realised something obvious: I needed a better container to hold the magnitude — both inside of me, as the carrier of the ideas, and outside of me, as the form the content would take.

That’s how the idea for a Living Book came to be.

This Living Book is medicine — medicine for me and for you. Publishing this work, bit by bit, is my path to share the expressions of my years of learning, integrating, healing, and reaping the benefits of working with energy, sensitivity, and creativity in practical ways. These events, as I lived them, transformed me. And they continue to heal me as I integrate them into my life. As you read, and if you take time to reflect and integrate, they will transform you, too.

The form of this unconventional book is the result of a blend of self-awareness and my personal capacity to bring this work into being. Reinventing how I create and live has been a journey spanning years, and my sensitivity to how things feel has guided me to structure this work in the way you’re about to experience.

My mind works in a unique way (people often label it in pathologizing terms, but I view these challenges as invitations). Forcing it to function like more typical minds would be both pointless and heartless. So, I’ve learned to live and create in ways that align with me. I tried writing in a conventional manner — as a whole book. It worked to the extent of producing a scattered draft, but I sensed the topic was too vast to complete in that way given my capacity. Instead, I envisioned a process and form that felt just right — one that would allow for sustainable and authentic publication. Fortunately, many sensitive minds share an abstract way of communicating, and I trust you’ll receive this offering with ease.

Here’s what guided my choices — and therefore — what you can expect:

  • My mind favours a non-linear, holistic approach.
    So the book is not linear. This allows for a more dynamic and evolving reading experience.” That would tie it to the reader's journey as well. As I’ve already written much of the book as a draft, I can publish the early chapters in a more or less chronological way. This is an exception to the non-linear flow that will follow in future segments. I plan to add an index / contents table for clarity, but each piece will stand alone, allowing you to explore at your own pace.

  • My thinking connects abstractly and intuitively.
    I make connections where others might not see them. I trust this way of thinking brings a richness to the book.

  • My energy is suited to short bursts.
    I will publish segments of varying length that may seem out of context. Each piece, however, will be deeply resonant as part of a larger puzzle holding truth.

  • My well-being comes first.
    To sustain my work, I must first live the experiences I write about. I’ll publish when I am ready, not according to any arbitrary strict schedule.

  • I share what I know without worrying about “traditional” accolades or research to “back me up”.
    My life and integration is my research. And my learning process doesn’t always follow conventional paths. This book is about what I’ve lived, how I’ve integrated it, and how it’s transformed me. It’s not about fitting into academic frameworks. Feel into what resonates with you and take what serves you — what doesn’t, let it go. That said, the longer I am “in the subject”, the more I hear about discoveries, other authors, and modalities that resonate in their own right with most of the same observations I share.

  • We never really “arrive”
    As my ideas unfold, and layers of understanding of the subject become denser and denser. This results in two-folded allowance. On one hand, I can publish fragments, before I feel perfect about anything. As my mind constantly evolves, I can only share what I know at any given time. This leads me to the other facet of this feature: I might go back to already published fragments to add or change. This is where I have to dance with being discerning as an artist about what is really going to make it into the cut while resisting perfectionism. 

  • If I change my mind about anything, I will.
    I honour my process, even when it evolves or shifts.

A part of me feels a strong pressure to get this book out of my system as soon as possible, and another knows that it really doesn’t matter. That’s because I have a deep sense that the things that I know—as soon as I know and live them them, become available through some kind of broadcasting. And eventually find their way into other minds, even without reading this book. Just like some things dawned on me. Call me nuts, but that’s how I feel. 

Living book is a form. The subject and the title for my living book is The Nature of Sensitivity

What it’s about:

This book is about learning to use sensitivity as a power to master energy.

It’s about rediscovering who we truly are.

And finally, it’s about remembering what we’re capable of.

I’m experimenting and learning with you.

If you’re finding it interesting, I would love it if you could share my book with a friend or two.
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The Nature of Sensitivity. Transforming pain into power