Why do INFJ have a hard time with not being seen?


I’m not attached to things but there are a few books I regret reselling. One of them was titled “The Invisible Child” by Tove Jansson. It was a story about a child who ceased to appear as a result of abuse, neglect and not being loved. What was left was a dress and a bow. I still have a tote bag with that picture.

Many INFJ, INFP, and Highly sensitive people have that experience of not feeling seen. By their family members, by friends, by co-workers and bosses. Even by potential clients and their audience.

Do you sometimes feel that way?

Maybe your opinions are not valued, maybe your partner doesn’t listen to or look at you when you share something important. Your contribution is not being acknowledged. Or something you’re expressing is not finding the right soil to nourish. In today’s video I talk about many reasons why sensitive people and introverted, intuitive folks especially might struggle with that feeling.

The reasons why are important, because they do point to the root causes of this wounding. What I wanted to do as well was to offer a few journaling prompts that can help you create small shifts in awareness that can guide a change in energy and behaviour. This, in turn, can help become more defined.

Today I talk about the energy behind that and explain various reasons the introverted intuitive feelers experience so much pain and wounding around this theme. It's important to know that these energetic imprints live very deep inside of a person so it's critical to work on the felt sense experience that can change these patterns.

With some consistency and the paradigm shifts I offer, you can start experience a change that comes from a grounded, sense of home within.


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If you need my personalised support with these deep imprints, feel free to contact me to arrange the details. At this time, I offer ad hoc / single mentoring sessions to work through whatever comes up.


Why do INFJ and Highly Sensitive People struggle with changes?


Why are INFJ & HSP secretly controlling and inflexible?