“By learning how to trust herself, she learned how to trust life.”

Imagine this…
What if… you were feeling in charge of your mental and emotional well-being free of overwhelm, simply living a life of purpose and deep meaning?
What if… finally, you were using and sharing your gifts without burning yourself out?
What if… each morning you woke up at peace with yourself and with the environment, having no pressure to be somewhere else or to be someone else?
What if… you had unwavering self-trust to act according to your values, desires and convictions, having ultimate authority to validate your ideas and opinions rather than conforming to others' standards?
What if… every day you felt safe and complete in the present moment and free to take up space in this world?
What if… you lived with a sense of worth, with clarity about your life direction?
What if… you dared to pursue your dreams?
What if… life was supporting you the whole time?
What if… you were open to expressing yourself and attracting relationships and connections who accept you as you are?
What if… you embodied natural confidence to say “NO” without explaining and “YES” without guilt?
...all without the constant tension, self-judgement, exhaustion from proving yourself, and the nights spent on overthinking scenarios?
Are you ready to love yourself and to love your life?
Hi! I'm Gosia Poraj, a mindbody mentor, speaker, artist, and a student of life.
I know how it feels to be weighed down by all the shoulds. The inner pressure drove me into sickness, anxiety, and many poor life choices. I was conflicted between rebellion of wanting to do things “my way” and depending on others’ approval. As a highly sensitive and driven, I felt so lost chasing my goals, and trying to fit into the world. But deep inside I was craving a deeper sense of truth and meaning. Naturally, no matter what I did externally— was never enough, nor fulfilling.
I was a queen of overthinking, and figuring out but…
I had to learn a painful lesson:
I started my "rewiring" experiments out of necessity to heal my diseased body after many years of struggle. For the first time I decided to follow my intuition and I went all in to design my healing.
Then everything started shifting super fast; my health, overthinking, mindset, and emotional chaos… all healed in just a matter of several months. I connected to a deep stillness that was wise and healing. It felt like the dust of three decades of my life settled and for the first time, I could see everything clearly. This incredible shift set me off to a decade of research and trials to understand underlying mechanisms making a balanced, confident woman thrive. I understood how the solutions to our problems are counterintuitive, but simpler than we make them to be.
The Embodied Reintegration was born.
Embodied Reintegration is an advanced experiential journey to discover your inner guidance and wisdom so that you can finally reclaim your life and break free from the overwhelm, exhaustion, self-doubt, and limitations.

“I took that leap of faith and I tell you it was the best step I've ever taken. It changed my life and it's been transformational! Honestly!”
—Jody Gibbs
Do any of these sound familiar?
I have found that my process works best for these four groups (or a mix of traits from below):
Sensitive, stressed, driven ones with a history of burnout, procrastination, and perfectionism who are a bit hard on themselves. Feeling like the world is on their shoulders, they've tried many things to feel better with little results and are tired of old cycles.
Those with open minds about holistic practices & spirituality, who would rather not have to live in this physical reality. They are now choosing to dig deeper into a profound transformation to connect their body + mind + emotions + soul.
Empathetic ones who help, support, and please everyone around while end up being overwhelmed and exhausted themselves. Now are motivated to do what it takes to love themselves as they reclaim their lives.
Creative, introverted, visionary souls who are often feeling misunderstood and lonely. They are ready to create life on their terms with courage instead of waiting to be chosen.
Overthinking misfits and insecure ones who sometimes think something’s wrong with them. They may find themselves avoiding many things out of fear of rejection, and would love to get out of the confines of their worries and predisposition.
If any of these resonate it is because your mind+body and spirit are out of sync; it’s very likely exhausting, mentally and physically. You may feel like you’re spinning your wheels. Maybe even health issues started showing up… At the same time, maybe your relationships, passions, and work-life started to suffer because of all the negative self-talk and the lack of self-trust in knowing what to do next. This way of living is not sustainable and you know it.
But it DOES NOT have to be this way!
The good news is that if it resonates then this process was MADE FOR YOU.
Your life is not determined by your past but by what you do for your future.
Embodied Reintegration will guide you to:
Release the patterns of anxiety and depression
Get into here and now, where you’re safe to be you as you are & to slow down.
Turn your overwhelm and overthinking into embodied peace and confidence.
Inner freedom from having to be a certain way instead of proving and explaining.
Understand your intuition and befriend your body.
Transform the sense of unworthiness & shame into that of self-love.
Move from doubt to feeling grounded and trusting yourself.
Connect with the support of life to give you the voice & courage to follow your truth.
Stop giving yourself away. Instead, you will start living your own adventure that fulfils your needs, values, and desires.
As you fill yourself from within, you will get plenty of energy and enthusiasm to create and give from overflow as you share your gifts.
Learn to resolve your inner battles and gain all the energy you've been spending on fighting yourself.
Embodied Reintegration is not just a set of tools.
It’s an advanced transformation process that guides you how to remember your true power.
How it works
When you sign up to work with me, I’ll meet you where you are. From there, we will develop a customised plan to move you through the journey of the following stages:
From head into the grounded body
Sensitive people resist emotions and unpleasant sensations all the time. They either get overwhelmed, push away, distract, avoid, or numb out. This results in: overthinking, rumination, anxiety, burnout, second-guessing, being wound up, self-neglect, and inability to rest.
Solution: In this stage, you will learn about your body awareness and its wisdom. You will learn how to become grounded and anchored in your body, so that you can access your inner authority and calm down the overthinking and the inner chaos. From this, you can expect to develop a kinder relationship with yourself, release the bracing, slow down, breathe deeper, sleep better, and start feeling safe and supported in this world.
This understanding will forever change your relationship with your body and your sensations.
The way you think, act, and believe regarding yourself and the world has been moulded by society. It programmed judgments, fears, and rejections, ideas about how to be and do and went to war with ourselves. This results in the inner resistance, self-criticism, and a tug-of-war that seeps energy and distracts you from following your goals. This is where all the perfectionism, over-giving, self-criticism, overworking, and insecurity come from. It’s what takes away your voice and a sense of capability.
Solution: In this stage, you’ll learn how people unconsciously give away their power and how to stop this. This enlightening stage will lead you to harmonise the inner battle and reclaim the energy you’ve been wasting. From this new space, you will be able to start creating according to your needs and dreams. In this context, you will find relief of acceptance and safety simply being who you are with a newly found liberation that it brings.
This is a life-changing shift; from victimhood to being in command. From self-betrayal to self-sovereignty.
Emotional bridge to growth
High emotions and sensitivity seem like a curse to most people, especially to those who think and feel deeper.
Solution: In this stage, you’ll understand all about the purpose of feelings and emotions in how they help us lead life towards the highest growth and fulfilment. You’ll learn how to leverage them instead of being at their mercy, which will be transformative to how you feel.
This will also guide you to tap into your inner resources for a loving sense of assurance, guidance, joy, and confidence to fill yourself up.
The power of beliefs
Limiting narratives is what keeps people stuck in their old ways. Most know that already, but few can change their beliefs as they need to.
Solution: My process is literally taking the beliefs you want and embodying them to see the results in real life. It’s not just about speaking what you want to convince yourself. It’s about showing to yourself that what you want to believe is possible.
This transformative stage will show you how much influence and power you have to create the life you desire to have.
Reintegration with your truth
People are struggling because they are looking in the wrong direction and are focusing on the wrong problems. They spend life and energy defending, proving, avoiding, fighting and so they lose their precious resources.
Solution: Understanding the flow of life brings a lot of relief to those who judge, compare themselves and live in anxiety. You will reconnect with your deep self-acceptance and the inner guidance that’s been asleep for so long. This will help you stop that constant self-doubt, comparison, and overthinking. You’ll settle into your natural authenticity and discover that you no longer need to be anyone else than you are.
This profound and largely unknown thread of insights and practices will help you trust yourself completely and discover your inner authority and freedom from needing external validation. Your worth will grow exponentially. What’s more, you will recover wasted time and energy and be able to redirect towards what truly matters to you.
Embodied boundaries
On top of all the above transformative stages, you will be guided to express your boundaries in a balanced, confident way. You’ll learn how to work through felt resistance to make it more natural to stand your ground. You’ll see how it builds an increased sense of confidence over time.
Beyond fear
People are naturally wired against changes. The sensitive, introverted folks very often are terrified and avoid many things that could be expansive because they fear overwhelm and discomfort. As they avoid the risks, they sacrifice their evolution, potential for joy and success. This is a guided process that teaches how to rewire your approach to any fear, resistance or challenge. I will work with you on how to use your nervous system to gradually expand and go for the things you’re currently afraid of. You can use it for anything that you fear to become confident and unstoppable.
Reconnecting your mind-body-spirit is not an overnight success. Don’t believe anyone who would promise you a quick fix or a single tool to feel connected. You’re a complex being that is so connected to the dimensions and your energetical setup requires loving, consistent showing up. The rewards and the liberation you receive in return are priceless and outweigh greatly the effort that you put into the process. Importantly, though, Embodied Reintegration is a reliable system that changes your relationship with yourself while helping you change your perception of everything else.
You’ll be equipped with principles and tools that you can use for your entire life while your dreams and desires may change. This process is a permanent transformation of the relationship with yourself that will help you in rebalancing and aligning closer and closer to who you want to be.
Waiting list
I am preparing very exciting updates to the Embodied Reintegration programme.
Sign up to the ER waiting list to receive updates when I launch it. (There will be a short window).
From my clients
“I found Gosia’s work on Instagram. It changed my life. I started watching her stories and her story that she talked about her healing and it was so inspiring that I had to reach out. But before I did I have to be honest with you, I was unsure. I spent so much money and those little voices in my head start to creep up saying: “You know, you're just going to throw more money away. Maybe you're different. Maybe you won't ever heal. Maybe you just have to just live with it.” But I just realized you know, what? I kind of snapped out of it and said these are just thoughts. They're not true. And I took that leap of faith and I tell you it was the best step I've ever taken. It changed my life and it's been transformational! Honestly. I am doing everything and more that I thought I would be able to do in just three months. It's amazing!…
The biggest takeaway from me has probably been the emotional work that we did. I was always so afraid to go there and with her guidance we were able to do that and I've released so much energy… I never thought I was going to heal, I thought I was an exception but just give it a go. If you're having any doubts at... give it to go with Gosia. And have trust and trust in yourself that you can heal!”
Jody Gibbs
“SO much has changed. It started with increased self-awareness of my thinking habits, and awareness was key to change. It was also about taking the daily practices that meant that I had to think very hard about what was important to me and changing my life – what was in the way of taking responsibility for myself… The first part of this problem was solved through visualisation, affirmation and mindful, or positive thinking. I’d felt so trapped in the label of “Depressive” for so long that I was completely disempowered and responsibility is meaningless without empowerment. The programme showed me how to take my power back. The second part was only resolved towards the end – the responsibility of having to do the work to change my life required that I let go of old resentment and the victim mentality. This was where I realised I needed to let go, or forgive, and it has been the most powerful lesson in my life – I now believe it’s one of the reasons I came here: to learn to forgive. I am still learning more lessons around it now and it is setting me free – also forgiving myself. I also think that encouragement and inspiration I received in terms of putting aside my wounded masculine and giving space to the divine feminine in my life has been transformational.
You have been very patient with my ups and downs – thank you! Thank you, too, for not letting your ego ever get in the way of what was going on for me. There were times when, as you know, the programme triggered things for me, so thank you for helping me work through those triggers with warmth, understanding and patience.
I nearly always came away from a our call inspired and lighter. Often wiser too. I also felt comfortable being honest with you which was so important. I also never had to worry that you wouldn’t listen, or hear me out. There was always space to speak and be heard.”
Sarah N.
'Self-love is the balance between accepting yourself as you are while knowing you deserve better, and then working towards it.' I lately did a consultation with a decluttering client and start work with her on Friday, so I realised I've achieved one of my big goals already and am happy to keep steadily working away on this. I have a picture of myself with the title “Future Fiona”, and I look at it everyday. It has goals and notes on of what I'd like to be in the future, but I'm noticing that quite a few are coming true already! Thank you, Gosia!
Fiona King
Before I signed into the program I had a lot of anxiety. I also had pain in my hand. So I reached out to Gosia to start working with her. I saw her experience and I decided to try something new [...]
Our calls were amazing. We explored different parts of my life that were creating tension and a lot of pressure in my life at a time. So, the first thing I noticed in my progress was that my anxiety decreased a lot in the first week of work. And after that, the progress was going up and up and up. Definitely there were some parts of the process where things started getting harder. And that’s when Gosia's support was amazing and super! It was key for me to keep going.
During our time together, I was able to go through a really big breakthrough that helped me heal, emotionally and physically. I was also able to see my energy change during those three months. I started to incorporate better habits and the practices on daily basis. In my personal life, my friends, my boyfriend and my family started to see a difference in me. I felt changed and noticed a different way how I express myself, how I was managing the situations. So definitely there was a huge change in perspective.
So now, after the course, I feel definitely more calm, I'm more confident with myself, more fearless. Definitely there's still some fears because that's part of life and that's not gonna go away. But now I can definitely manage all these difficult emotions from a different perspective and embrace them and to feel in my body and to allow them. I also think the program was perfect in the way it was put together because I was able to follow the steps. It was easy to get into it. It was easy to understand.
[…] I decided to step out of the cycle and look for help because sometimes we cannot do everything alone. So, definitely, I recommend this program for everybody who is suffering from different symptoms such as anxiety or depression.
Pamela Desigioli
“My big win was to become less overwhelmed and less disempowered by what I experienced in the past. This tied in with feeling connected to things–feeling seen and connected to people around me. The course I'm doing proving really helpful and tying in with what was going on with my mentees–so feeling very confident and empowered to deal with situations in a way I wasn't before and a potential new opportunity coming up work-wise which made me feel heard by the universe. Visualisations are really good these days. I've got to a place where I can just visualise myself as Love - this amazing pink aura and able to give and receive and attract on this wonderful vibration without having to do anything at all - handing over totally and being totally connected to the Universe/Source.”
Sarah from London
More client updates & wins…
“When I started the course, I was a tangle of emotions and fears. I learned ways to identify and process my uncomfortable feelings and feel a sense of power over my emotions which I had not felt before.
I am no longer experiencing the symptoms of depression and anxiety, and feeling lost, rather I am positive about the future and my ability to handle life’s challenges. I finally feel I am becoming in control of my life. From the initial call to our later sessions, I have felt 100% comfortable speaking to you and opening up about my feelings. I felt like I could talk to you like a big sister, but also as a professional who really knows your field. I have become so much better at expressing my feelings and feel so much more positive about my health and my healing. I will REALLY miss our weekly calls and check ins as I have learnt so much from you.”
Fiona K.
“Gosia, I couldn't have done it without your gentle and amazing guidance. So many steps were illuminated to me in the dark. Very grateful for these massive shifts & feeling incredibly positive that 2021 will be the year I fully rekindle the bond with my body.”
Irena K.
“I keep recognising situations when I'd normally repress my emotions and I interrupt these situations to allow myself feel the emotions. As simple as the practice may sound... for a person like me it was very difficult. But it gave me so much relief... I Interrupted very often situations in which I recognised that I am in a old habit / pattern. It’s very empowering”
“I've had some really empowering moments this week - I had a conversation with my mother where I was able to fairly calmly set and explain some new boundaries in relation to my sister. I felt that I was able to communicate with her on an adult not too emotional level - with transparency and really move forward with that. I took that as a reflection of some really positive changes in myself and that other positive changes might follow. I've started a new online level 3 youth mentoring qualification and this also feels empowering and as though it might expand my field of possibilities. My energy levels feel more constant.”
“I’m slowing down and keeping things simple. Not stressing about "am I doing too much or too little?" I'm just letting everything flow. Sleeping better and have much more energy! Bringing more joy in, i.e playing a card game that I used to play with my Grandma, teaching myself Ukulele again and learning to painting with watercolors. Also saying NO to someone that I would usually say yes to, because I wouldn't want to hurt there feelings.”
Jo Jo