2 underrated ways to build confidence as HSP woman

Confidence is not about projecting certain image outside. Real confidence is about aligning with your authentic self.

Highly Sensitive women often struggle with the worry that they will offend others and that being in their power might threaten someone.

Today I talk about some basic ways you can start increasing your confidence and self worth into an authentic, proud, self-loving woman.

Embody your authentic confidence through 1:1 work with Gosia. gosiaporaj.com/workwithme
Make sure to
download from Fear to Trust guide to align with your authentic Core Self.

Also watch (YT link):

✨VALIDATE YOURSELF to build SELF-WORTH https://youtu.be/URot1HVYIFk

Creative Commons Music by Jason Shaw on Audionautix.com


Why are boundaries so hard for gifted, HSP, and empaths?


How to create more ease and flow in your work and your business. Conversation with Sara Francis.