A new era... Blogging through my experience of shifting consciousness

Yesterday I watched the movie Julie & Julia and I said to myself: “OK, I get it, I’m supposed to start a blog!”. And this is how I decided to start blogging through my experience of this historic moment in time
I do journal every day the old school way (I would have gone mad a long time ago if I didn’t), but yesterday after watching the movie it was yet another call from “out there” suggesting that I should blog my way through this shift that’s happening.

Do people still blog? I don’t know.

But I do like writing. And I want to send my words to the ether. And to the open hearts. 

So, here I am responding to the call of adventure.

What shift am I talking about? I’m so glad you're asking.

If you’re into spirituality, you probably noticed that there’s been a lot of noise in all channels about New Earth and evolutionary upgrades, which many folks, including myself, can attest to.

The last few years of my life have been quite surreal. I've been experiencing a lot of changes in my identity, perception and approach towards life. The phrase "leaps and bounds" perfectly describes my Aquarian personality of zipping through life like The Road Runner from Looney Tunes (beep, beep!). I feel and think like a different person every week and I can see the patterns of my inner life reflecting on the outside. 

At times of the highest intensity, I felt like, what I imagine, someone losing their mind would feel. Luckily, I do know that what I was losing has been my “old mind”.

Still, because of that, I often ended up isolating myself to give it all space. But now, I feel like it’s a time for me to rebalance the inner and the outer experience.

This blog, therefore, is my way of documenting and expressing the changes that are happening and the insights that are occurring. Over the last few years, I've noticed that my life's development has been just a step before what was happening in the collective, and since I work through every crisis on my own, I hope that in my writing I can capture a certain reference point for anyone who's reading. And who knows, maybe it can help others who, like myself want to stay grounded while moving up into the unknown.

So it's not quite the “beginning” of the journey, but diving into the advanced part of an experience. 

I have a second reason for committing to a regular blogging routine. Lately, I've been feeling a bit aimless and directionless. Not that I see this as a negative thing. Actually, I see it as a natural state of being when you're going through a period of change. One has to tumble through what is happening without getting too cosy because there’s still so much to create in this changing world. This tsunami waves of energies, hasn’t been a very conducive for planting any seeds. What I'm looking for now is an anchor, thus a little commitment or writing can go a long way.

In this blog, I will talk a lot about my experience connecting the physical and the non-physical. Visible and invisible. Local and non-local. The mind and the body and the spirit. You and I. The connection between us and them. The inner and the outer worlds. 

Connecting, translating, bridging and uniting has been the essence of my work for the last decade. Aside of my 
YouTube and podcast uploads in this blog is where I will regularly talk what are the patterns I’m seeing, transcending my own limitations, and how I’m dealing with it all on a practical levels. It's a more personal space with a peek into my life and practices.

I’m no guru or an influencer. Rather, I’m a student of life who sees the world as a network of interdependence. I speak almost exclusively from life. I haven’t read too many books. Partly, it’s because my brain has a hard time consuming them, just like any other “educational content”. I must confess, that when I read, I tend to hold my breath. And I don’t like that. This bodily response signals to me, that learning from other people’s experiences is not for me. I’ve learned that my design is to play and to create (read: to fall and fail).

What I love, is exploring, experimenting, and learning through life. I like a challenge… At least, I've learned to like it. So I pave my own way through my life, and this is what I plan on sharing here. 

Come along or not. I’ll be here.


Mind-body disconnect Audit for Highly Sensitive and gifted People