Are you using your free will?

(Check below using the quiz)

There’s plenty of noise outside all around us and more than enough noise in people’s heads. The hardest thing is to create life from an empowered free space.

Yesterday there’s been an election day in Poland where I come from and it made me think even more about our freedom to choose to shape life in front of our eyes.

But here’s the sad truth:

Most people go on autopilot 97% of their awake life which basically means that there is close to zero chance for making a better life for themselves. Fact.

I talk a lot about choices because this is how we can leverage our innate and unique skills as human beings to shape fate.

“As you think, so shall you become” is a proverb that exists in so many versions and cultures, but few people take advantage of this extremely empowering ability.

So many “spiritual” people out there today think human evolution revolves around conjuring images of guides in their minds, meditating for hours, and raising above situations… but here’s something many are missing. Our life’s path is EVOLUTION from survival to thriving and we can only get there through living as many experiences as possible while making as many new choices as we can to break the habit of being our “old” selves. This radically serves in becoming more liberated, more joyous, healthy and fulfilled.

Thinking alone, can't achieve this. We live in a world of action.

Living from the heart, and leading by higher choices compounds to becoming a more authentic version of yourself… and as you do this inevitably you get into a more harmonious alignment with life. This is when you build self-trust. And as you do, you start trusting your life to support you.

And here we’re naturally asking how on earth do I do it? How do I stop feeling like the world is against me? How do I flow with ease, feel better and have better results that fulfil me?

You must use your free will consciously. It’s all about your choices.

So here’s a checklist I promised you to see how on track you are with creating life as you want it to be.


Check how many statements you will mark as positive (YES) vs how many you disagree with (NO):

  1. I reflect daily and without judgment about why I did what I did

  2. I am aware of my thought patterns and can tell when they try to sabotage me

  3. I pause before making choices in my life (small and big)

  4. I challenge my limiting beliefs and seek to confirm more empowering narratives

  5. I respond consciously to and know how to regulate my emotional states

  6. I use my choices by following the sense of what seems the most joyous and the most trusting thing to do (even if it’s scary and illogical)


How many statements did you say YES to? Here is how you can interpret the results:

  • 0 positive statements would mean that you are not using your innate power and very likely are feeling no control over how your life is shaping up

  • 1-2 positive statements would mean that you are trying your best and have a good start to building the life that you want. Well done! Explore the statements you answered NO to feel more empowered.

  • 3-4 positive statements mean that you are more conscious than most folks. Maybe at this point, you’re seeing how much power and freedom you have. Amazing! Explore the statements you answered NO to feel even better and make the most of your Free Will.

  • 5-6 positive statements mean that you’re very self-empowered. Congratulations! Keep creating and growing stronger using your free will.


If you’re feeling a little underwhelmed by your results, don’t worry, hun. We’re all on a journey and no one gets the higher score before getting the lower scores first. You’re investing in your growth which is what matters the most. 

If you need any support in building these capabilities, gaining command over your thoughts and emotions and becoming empowered to create life on your terms, just reply to this email and let’s chat.


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